Who We Are
We The People (WTP) Educational Resources support students in both Elementary and Secondary schools to learn more about key events in the history of the United States of America.
We celebrate and embrace inclusiveness, diversity and the culture of people and places, both from times past and present.

What We Do
We create content to encourage student enquiry, creativity as well as the development of communication, collaboration and team-buildings skills. Our content inspires discussion as well as self-reflection and personal growth.
Through stories and songs, we enable students to improve their historical, geographical and cultural knowledge.
We the People - An Educational Resource
The events that occurred from 1765 to 1789 are representative of a pivotal period in the history of the United States of America. Dissatisfaction over taxation without representation, the restriction of civil liberties, and the denial of self-governance led the thirteen colonies to rebel.
The protests led by the Sons Of Liberty resulted in the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The victory of the Patriots in the Revolutionary War led to the formation of the United States as a sovereign nation.
The legacy of the American Revolution is still relevant today in the form of the United States Constitution, which remains the supreme law of the land.

Lesson Plans
Lesson plans are provided covering key events between the year 1765 and the inauguration of the first USA Government in 1789.
Content is designed for students in the age range of 8 to 15.
The lessons focus on encouraging students to participate in group discussions and debates on the topics introduced.
Each lesson is between 45 to 55 minutes in length. A video with accompanying lyrics to support key learning outcomes linked to curriculum is included in each of the lessons. Printable worksheets are also available.
The resource can be introduced to students as part of a history, social studies or civics class.
Below are three of the topics covered by this resource.

Educator's Feedback
“ I enjoyed using the WTP resource with my Year 4/5 class. After watching the video, the students broke into groups to further discuss the content. It was great to hear the views of different students on the topics introduced. "
“ I like the format of the lesson plans and the flexibility in the delivery of the content. From the lesson plan template, I can choose how to best structure a lesson to meet the abilities of my students. "
“ This resource was perfect for my mixed Year 5/6 class. I found the shyer students were more comfortable to use their voice and have an opinion on the content when working in small groups. "